
Dear,I am(我是…)from(来自于…).l am writing to apply for(写信目的:我写信申请).l think l am qualified for the position(我认为我能胜任这个职位),because l am a positive boy(我是一个积极的男孩).What’s more,l can speak English fluently.(此外,我说英语很流利)Last but not least,l often use computer so l can type fast.(最后但是至关重要的是我经常使用电脑,我打字快)I am confident that l am suitable for the position(我很自信我可以胜任这个职位).l will be much gr ateful if you will offer me a chance be one of your company.(如果您提供成为你们公司一员的机会,我将不胜感激)
In order to help us deal with/ improve, an activity will be held on the morning of (月)(日)(年)(时间、地点).The activity / lecture is mainly about(这个活动 主要是有关于..).it will be given by(谁做讲座).The students who want to take part in the contest / activity should,(想要参与这个比赛/活动的同学应该…..)All the students are welcome to attend it.(欢迎所有学生参与)Please gather atam / pm in / at.(请在早上/下午xx点于xx集合)l am sure you will have a good time.Students’Union
It’s my honor to give you a br ief introduction to,(很荣幸能对…给你一个简短的介绍) located in the east of…(它位于…的东面).The climate here is pleasant,neither too hot in summernor too cold in winter.(这里气候怡人,冬暖夏凉)It is a place with many famous places of intere stand tourist attractions(这是一个有着许多名胜古迹和旅游景点的地方)Notonlvcan you pav avisit to…but you canalso go.(你不仅可以游览..…你还可以去…..).is a must-see for tourists.as itis well-known at home and abroad(……对于游客来说是必看景点,因为它驰名于海内外)What’s more. it is very convenient for you to come toourcity by bus.(此外,乘坐大巴到我们城市是非常便利的)So you are sure to have a wonderful time in…and i hopeall of you wil enjoy(所以你一定会有一段美好时光,希望你玩的开心.)
_____is one of the most important traditional festivalsin China,(…在中国是其中一个最重要的节日之一)falls onof the Lunar calendar every year.(是在每年的农历的号)Not only is it popular in but it is also celebrated inmany other places(不仅在…很盛行,而且在其他的地方也庆祝这个节日)On that day people usually go back home tohave family reunion,enjoying a large meal with their(通常会回家和家人团聚,和家人一起享用大餐,他们也会,,.,以及…也是必须的。)lt’s a family reunion festival when people express besi wishes to the beloved onesat this particular time.(团圆的节日一个人们表达对所爱之人表达美好祝愿祝愿的特殊日子。)
Dear,I am sorry to know that you are having trouble inHowever,the situation is easy to change if you take myadvice. Here aresome tips to help you.(很难过知道你在方面有困难。然而如果你采纳我的建议这个情况就很容易改变。这有些能帮助你的建议)To begin with, why not? In addition, wouldn’ t it be a good idea if you ? Just as a saying goes. Last but not least, if l were you,l would.(首先,为什么不…?此外,如果你这难道不是一个好的主意么?最后但也同样重要的是如果我是你,我会)I hope you will find these ideas useful.(希望这些建议对你有用)
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