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        1[.单选题]Why do you insist on()?


        A.this to be done


        B.this done


        C.this being done


        D.this is done




        2[.单选题]We looked everywhere for the().


        A.missing watch


        B.missed watch


        C.watch being missed


        D.watch that lost




        3[.单选题](),the runners crossed the finish line.






        C.To be tired


        D.They are tired




        4[.单选题]—The round bowl over there is a bit small,isn’t it?—().


        A.So are the fish


        B.So the fish are


        C.Neither the fish


        D.Neither are the fish




        5[.单选题]She couldn’t take shorthand,() slowed down the work of the office.












        6[.单选题]Was it last Friday()you met him?




        B.on which








        7[.单选题]()might fail in the exam worried him.




        B.That he








        —How long ()you?


        A.does it bother


        B.was it bothering


        C.would it bother


        D.has it been bothering



        9[.单选题]—I started to study,but then a friend called.


        —That’s no excuse().


        A.for not studying


        B.not for studying


        C.not studying


        D.not to studying




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