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        1[.单选题]Tom,together with his family,()to see us tonight.


        A.is coming


        B.are coming








        2[.单选题]Last Sunday()had a picnic in Beihai Park.


        A.John,Mary and me


        B.John,I and Mary


        C.John,Mary and I


        D.I,John and Mary




        3[.单选题]The garden requires().




        B.being watered


        C.to water


        D.having watered




        4[.单选题]All that can be done().


        A.have been done


        B.have done


        C.has been done


        D.has done




        5[.单选题]I know nothing about him()he is a teacher.




        B.in addition


        C.except for


        D.except that




        6[.单选题]You never told us why you were late for the party,()?


        A.weren’t you


        B.didn’t you


        C.had you


        D.did you




        7[.单选题]()those books do you want?


        A.What are


        B.Which of


        C.Which are





        8[.单选题]()I knew him better,I discovered that my impression had been right.











        9[.单选题]The heavy snow could not keep us()going out to work.











        10[.单选题]They found the lecture hard().


        A.to be understood


        B.to understand


        C.for understanding


        D.to have been understood



        11[.单选题]I learned how to()a bicycle when I was six years old.










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